Active Damping Suspension
Active Damping suspension allows a vehicles dynamic ride performance to be dynamically adjusted.

Active Damping Suspension technology – rapidly adjusting the damping rate but not the spring force – delivers a 30% increase in mobility in an affordable package.
Horstman Active Damping suspension technology allows a vehicle dynamic ride performance to be dynamically adjusted. The Horstman proprietary algorithm analyses vehicle motion to actively control the damping force generated as a result of a given input wheel velocity. Bump/jounce and rebound damping are independently controlled by the electronic control unit.
Variations in the vehicle mass, centre of gravity, and moments of inertia are automatically compensated for, ensuring a great ride performance for all terrain types.
Active Damping
- Improved ride performance, with reduced absorbed energy versus a passive system
- Faster mobility over given terrain. Faster settling time after firing / launch
- High levels of damping only when needed - lower damping when not required
- Lower unit running temperature – less energy dissipated
- Reduced frequency and load of bump and rebound stop impacts
- Reduced duty cycle on suspension components may improve life of some parts
- Reduced fuel consumption and crew fatigue
- Reduced duty / increased life for on board components
- Improved weapon station accuracy and durability
- More consistent vehicle performance for various vehicle masses
- Reduced vehicle roll, with reduced mechanical complexity
- Improved braking performance, with reduce vehicle pitching
Ride Height Stabilisation
- Active ride height management to compensate for load / temperature effects
- Charging kit – Hydrobooster™
- Electronic control unit (ECU)
- Suspension Vehicle Dynamics Control (SVDC) Software

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