Horstman Control, Modelling and Simulation
Horstman extensively use our tools and experience to conduct a synthetic simulation of physical systems.

Horstman use our tools and experience to conduct a synthetic simulation of physical systems
Our simulation and modelling experience enables us to blend physical hardware, be it mechanical, electrical or electronic with modelled elements. This enables us to test systems without all elements being available.
Vehicle dynamic modelling a great enabler to evaluate configurations, adapt and tune, then define load and system performance requirements before then committing to detailed design/manufacture of hardware.
Where customers wish to conduct their own modelling and simulations, Horstman can provide software plugins of our system elements to enable this to be undertaken.
- Wheeled and tracked vehicle dynamic modelling and simulation
- Custom models of system elements and algorithms
- Multidomain dynamic system modelling
- Comparison to government specified test profile, generation of 6W absorbed power limits at speed, allowing tailoring of suspension to meet whole body vibration dosage for individual crew and passenger stations
- Complemented by physical hardware test on components using Horstman test facilities

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